Financial institutions have developed a methodology to measure their global impact


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  • 25 Nov 2018
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Financial Sector Develops Methodology for Biodiversity Impact

Financial institutions have developed a methodology to measure their global impact on biodiversity, which will enable them to help support its conservation. CDC Biodiversité, a subsidiary of French financial services firm Caisse des Dépôts, Dutch ASN Bank, and asset managers ACTIAM and Finance in Motion joined forces to map and address the risks of biodiversity loss by measuring the impact of their loans and investments on biodiversity. They developed the methodologies by sharing experiences and exploring their common ground, and presented their findings at COP 14 of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The research findings have been published in the report titled ‘Common ground in biodiversity footprinting methodologies for the financial sector.’ Financial institutions, businesses and governments can use the biodiversity footprint for strategic and operational decisions. 

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Environmental Finance