Facebook to link employee bonuses to progress on social issues


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  • 06 Feb 2019
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Facebook to Link Employee Bonuses to Progress on Social Issues

Facebook has said it will link its employee bonuses to criteria such as “making progress on the major social issues” the social network faces, marking a move away from its historic focus on growth. Previously, Facebook judged employees on how their performance contributed to growing the company’s user base and revenues, and making savings through efficiency, among other factors. Instead, employees will now be rewarded based on new goals that chief executive Mark Zuckerberg set out in the group’s earnings call last week. These include tackling social issues faced by the company, such as the spread of fake news and misinformation, as well as data privacy and security. It is unclear how exactly the company will monitor and measure employees against these criteria, and what precise metrics they will use. The news marks the first effort by Facebook to shake up the way it incentivises its workers. It also comes amid reports of sinking employee morale and as the pace of Facebook’s annual revenue growth has slowed in the past two years.

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Financial Times