Extreme climate displaced more people than conflicts in 2020


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  • 24 May 2021
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Extreme climate displaced more people than conflicts in 2020

The number of new people forced to move within their own countries by climate disasters rose to the highest in at least a decade in 2020, more than three times those displaced due to conflict and violence. People who migrated domestically due to extreme weather events rose to 30.7 million, 75% of total internal migrations, according to research by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. A record 55 million people in total had been forced to move at the end of 2020, with the number of migrants likely to be significantly underestimated due to incomplete data. Countries like China, India, the Philippines and Bangladesh were hit by intense cyclones, monsoon rains and floods, while 1.7 million people were displaced within the US during the most active Atlantic hurricane season on record.

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