The Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy launched recently


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  • 17 Jul 2020
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EU's F2F an Impetus for Palm Oil Producers to Improve Sustainability Standards: CPOPC

The Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy launched recently by the European Commission offers a major opportunity for palm oil producing countries to work together and further improve sustainability standards, the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) said.

It will also serve as a useful tool to enable European consumers to appreciate the excellent qualities of palm oil, which is and remains the most widely sold vegetable oil in the world.

“The CPOPC secretariat understands the desire of national governments to support domestic producers of vegetable fats and oils, particularly during such challenging times.”

“However, we are confident that the European Union (EU) will act in the interest of all its citizens, and with a view to global development, by guaranteeing the importation of, and access to, sustainable palm oil,” it said in a statement today.

The CPOPC secretariat acknowledged the statement by the European Commissioner for Trade Phil Hogan on behalf of the European Commission — in response to a parliamentary question, may indicate a new willingness by Europe to collaborate with palm oil producing countries to foster an even more sustainable supply chain.

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