The UK Home Office’s anti-slavery award will fund


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  • 26 Apr 2019
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ETI Receives Anti-Slavery Funding for Work in Malaysia

The UK Home Office’s anti-slavery award will fund a two-year Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) project helping vulnerable migrant workers in Malaysia access support and advice and seek remedy where they have suffered abuse. It will also seek to establish a set of Access to Remedy principles, to be endorsed by leading businesses and applied globally within their supply chains. ETI will create and pilot an online technology platform that allows migrant workers in Malaysia to seek advice and support, report exploitation and access remedy. The UK-based organisation will also work with businesses worldwide to improve policies and processes around remedy in their global supply chains – focused on migrant workers who are subject to exploitation. ETI has become increasingly concerned about the abuse of migrant workers in Malaysia. Allegations around violation of rights have been steadily growing. These include unsafe working conditions and low pay as well as charges of debt bondage and modern slavery. Through the UK Home Office’s Modern Slavery Innovation Fund, ETO will work to tackle the root cause of slavery.

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Ethical Trading Initiative