ESG disclosure for Taiwan-listed companies.


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  • 28 Jul 2022
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ESG disclosure for Taiwan-listed companies.

The Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) announced mandatory ESG reporting for a portion of listed companies in 2021. According to the rules, disclosure should be made following requirements set out by the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI), one of the most recognized sustainability reporting standards in the world. Furthermore, the rules present additional requirements for each sector. Instead of a blanket approach to ESG reporting, these sector-specific requirements request information on the most material ESG issues pertaining to their industries. The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) of Taiwan soon followed with mandatory greenhouse gas (GHG) emission disclosure for large companies and key polluting industries. According to data from TWSE, 301 listed companies have disclosed ESG information through its public ESG platform in 2021.

Seneca ESG