Nine months after she was appointed to lead Malaysia’s environment ministry


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  • 27 Mar 2019
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Environment Minister Yeo Bee Yin Shares Her Vision for Malaysia

Prominent science journal Nature named her as one of the ten people who mattered to the environment last year, for raising Malaysia’s renewables targets and her tough stance against plastic pollution. She was selected by the World Economic Forum as one of this year’s Young Global Leaders, people under the age of 40 considered the best of their generation. Early this year, she launched her first book, which tackles education, women and sustainable development. Yeo Bee Yin has come a long way from being known as Malaysia’s youngest minister, since she took office as chief of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change, a week after she turned 35 in May last year. As environment minister, she implemented a nationwide ban on the import of plastic waste and published a 12-year road map towards zero single-use plastics by 2030.

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