Environment Minister Seeks Bigger Budget for Perhutanan and Perhilitan


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  • 26 Aug 2023
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Environment Minister Seeks Bigger Budget for Perhutanan and Perhilitan, Says Getting Too Costly to Protect Forests and Orang Asli

Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad promised to find ways to streamline the Peninsular Malaysia Forestry Department (Perhutanan) and the Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) so they can both work seamlessly without conflict in the future. The minister said he is asking the Ministry of Finance for a bigger budget as it is getting more expensive to handle and fix issues around the forests and Orang Asli community. He also promised to raise all Orang Asli issues in Parliament ahead of the Budget 2024 tabling in October to address the multiple problems faced by the indigenous tribes in the peninsula which include encroachment, illegal logging and loss of produce.

Source: Malay Mail