EMA issues second call for proposals to import low-carbon electricity to Singapore.


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  • 14 Jul 2022
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EMA issues second call for proposals to import low-carbon electricity to Singapore.

Singapore’s Energy Market Authority (EMA) has put out a second call for proposals to supply electricity to Singapore from renewable energy sources. It had issued the first request for proposal in November last year - to import about 1.2GW of electricity from 2027 onwards. In a statement, the authority said it is now open to a second round where participants may submit non-binding proposals as an expression of interest for preliminary discussions with EMA, before developing their proposals further for final submission. The two requests for proposal will account for the import of up to a total of 4GW of low-carbon electricity to Singapore by 2035, as part of efforts to decarbonise the energy sector. This is expected to make up around 30 per cent of Singapore's electricity demand then. EMA said that potential importers will have to demonstrate their supply reliability, credibility, track record, cost-competitiveness, and ability to supply and manage the carbon output of their power generation supply. Proposals for electricity supplied using coal-fired generation technologies will not be accepted. The authority also said that it had received 20 proposals to supply electricity from sources such as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal power from four countries - Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia and Thailand - in the first round.

Staits Times