The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has launched a new digital tool


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  • 14 Jan 2020
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Ellen Macarthur Foundation Unveils ‘landmark’ Digital Tool to Help Businesses Track Circular Economy Progress

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has launched a new digital tool which enables businesses of all sizes and sectors to measure their contribution to the circular economy and identify ways in which to close the loop further. Called ‘Circulytics’, the tool was revealed to the UK’s wider business community at a launch event in London, following smaller-scale trials at more than 30 businesses including Unilever, Ikea’s Ingka Group, Groupe Renault and DS Smith. It enables users to track the extent to which their business is contributing to the Foundation’s three principles of a circular economy – designing out waste and pollution; keeping products and materials in use; and regenerating natural systems – by accessing data across 18 metrics. Appetite to bridge this gap between ambition and action on the circular economy seems high, with more than 100 businesses having pre-registered to use Circulytics ahead of its launch. The tool is being made open-source and free-to-use.

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The Edie