The United Nations (UN) Secretary-General,


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  • 28 Apr 2020
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Don’t Use Taxpayer Money to Save Polluting Industries

The United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, António Guterres, has urged governments not to use taxpayer money to rescue fossil fuel companies and carbon-intensive industries. Guterres instead called for economic rescue packages to be devoted to businesses that cut greenhouse gas emissions and create green jobs. His call was echoed by Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, who led the virtual meeting of more than 30 governments on climate crisis which was also attended by the UK and China. Many countries are planning big investments in fossil fuel industries as part of their economic rescue packages. For instance, a bailout of the airline industry is set to go ahead in the US without conditions attached on their emissions, while the White House has moved to weaken environmental regulations. In China, subsidies for fossil fuel vehicles and the easing of permits for coal mining are also likely to raise emissions. Campaigners and experts have been calling for economic rescue packages to be directed towards environmentally sustainable ends and for sectoral stimulus cash to come with green strings attached.

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The Guardian