Deliveroo launches "opt-in" for plastic cutlery in Singapore


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  • 05 Jun 2018
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Deliveroo Dishes Out "Opt-In" Feature for Plastic Cutlery in Singapore

To mark World Environment Day (June 5th, 2018), Deliveroo has rolled out an “opt-in for cutlery” feature in Singapore, allowing customers to say no to plastic forks and spoons when they make orders on its app and website. At the moment, every order via Deliveroo comes with plastic cutlery supplied by the restaurants. The company said it has received feedback from customers “asking (it) to do more” to reduce plastic packaging. Citing a trial done in the United Arab Emirates, all of the restaurants involved used less cutlery, with 85 percent noting a reduction of more than half. Similarly, in the United Kingdom where the “opt-in” feature went live in February, 91 percent of meals are now delivered without disposable cutlery. With the feature extended to nine other markets including Singapore, Deliveroo said the reduction in plastic packaging will be “significant”.

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Channel News Asia