DCM: Sabah hopes to earn upwards of RM2.2 billion from carbon credit deals


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  • 21 Jan 2022
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DCM: Sabah hopes to earn upwards of RM2.2 billion from carbon credit deals

Sabah aims to earn up to RM5.6 billion annually by leveraging on its forests in carbon credit and other nature monetising deals, said deputy chief minister Datuk Seri Jeffrey Kitingan. The state agriculture and fisheries minister said the state has taken steps to modernise the industry and create a new source of income monetising Sabah’s many natural assets. “This funding with nature conservation and carbon trading will unlock the conservation assets. We expect to raise RM2.2 billion to RM5.6 billion annually without cutting a single tree, and at the same time, preserve and safeguard the interests of indigenous communities,” he said.
