Corporate reporting has at its foundation the need to keep stakeholders


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  • 22 Dec 2020
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Corporate Reporting Keeps Link Between Company and Investors

Corporate reporting has at its foundation the need to keep stakeholders well informed about the company, and about the actions of those to whom they have entrusted the responsibility of managing it, said Bursa Malaysia chairman Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar. He said there is a clear relationship between trust, reputation and value, and corporate reporting is the link between a company and its investors. Highlighting the importance of corporate reporting, he said a company could enhance or damage its reputation not only through the way it behaves but also how it reports. He was commenting on the matter as the future of corporate reporting has been a subject of considerable debate and often criticised for its over-complexity, requiring more disclosures and sparking accusations that corporate and financial reports are no longer relevant, especially for the needs of investors.

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The Edge Markets