A majority of consumers believe


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  • 06 Feb 2020
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Consumers Keen to Drop Brands That Damage the Environment

A majority of consumers believe their choices can make a difference to environmental outcomes, and almost two-thirds are willing to abandon products and brands that are seen to damage the environment. That is the headline conclusion of a survey of over 15,000 people from 11 countries across Europe, Asia Pacific, and North America, who were asked for their opinions about their buying habits in relation to the environment during the second half of 2019. The findings, outlined in a report by financial services company ING this week, offer a detailed analysis of where consumers are already engaging in circular economy activities, and their appetite for new product and service models that curb environmental impacts and resource use, with a particular focus on the fashion, food, and electronics sectors. Although 61 percent said they would be less willing to buy a product from a company that performed environmentally poorly, they are still likely to engage with the linear "take, make and waste" production model unless companies make it easier to transition to a more circular lifestyle.

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