Singapore construction company LT Sambo has been fined


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  • 08 Jul 2019
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Construction Company First to Be Punished for Operating Drone Outdoors Without Permit in Singapore

The Singapore branch of construction company LT Sambo has been fined $9,000 for operating a drone outdoors without a permit, the first-ever conviction and sentencing for such an offence. The court heard that LT Sambo had operated the small unmanned aircraft (UA) outdoors "in the course of business" without a Class 1 activity permit. The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) states on its website that a Class 1 activity permit is needed for activities involving an unmanned aircraft that is "not recreational or research in nature". These include competitive races held by private organisers and businesses providing aerial surveying or photography services. LT Sambo was asked to provide details of proposed comprehensive risk mitigating measures for the CAAS to review, before the activity permit could be granted. However, the company failed to provide any and the CAAS did not grant it the permit. Despite this, LT Sambo’s civil engineer Mr Jung Han-Gun made two flights with the drone.

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The Straits Times