Companies, investors must continue adapting to megatrends amid pandemic


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  • 12 Aug 2021
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Companies, investors must continue adapting to megatrends amid pandemic

CLIMATE change, urbanization and the rise of Asian economies - these are powerful, transformative trends that are expected to impact the way we do business. These megatrends are not receding amid the Covid-19 pandemic, but are in fact accelerating. And with these trends come implications for companies operating in many sectors. Those were the thoughts of GuocoLand's chief executive Cheng Hsing Yao and OCBC's chief executive Helen Wong at a webinar titled "Megatrends for the Next Normal", held on Wednesday morning. The event is the first in a series on megatrends organised by The Business Times with property developer GuocoLand as the presenting sponsor. The session was moderated by Genevieve Cua, wealth editor at BT, and hosted at Guoco Tower. Mr Cheng pointed out, for instance, that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught people to be more aware of "intangibles" such as relationships and their personal well-being. Such "qualitative aspects" will also be reflected in their consumption, he added, and will drive them to consume more responsibly.

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The Business Times