Beverage giants Coca-Cola and Pepsi are not doing enough


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  • 22 Apr 2020
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Coca-Cola and Pepsi Falling Short on Pledges Over Plastic According to New Report

Beverage giants Coca-Cola and Pepsi are not doing enough to reduce their plastic waste footprint globally, according to a new report. The charity Tearfund compiled a league table of how the companies, and others including Unilever and Nestlé, are faring in their commitments set against a three-point plan. The plan calls on companies to: report by the end of 2020 the amount of single-use in units and volume they sell country by country, reduce this by half by 2025 by moving to refillables, and ensure by 2022 one item is recycled for every single-use plastic item sold in developing countries. All the companies included in the report have published and committed to publishing annual global data on their plastic footprint, but none have published this information country by country. Pepsi and Coca-Cola have not publicly committed to reducing this by 2025, or to invest in reusables or refillables as part of this reduction. The report said Coca-Cola and PepsiCo’s commitments were falling significantly short of what was needed to tackle their plastic pollution.

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