Climeworks Provides First-Ever Certified Carbon Removal For Microsoft, Shopify And Stripe


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  • 19 Jan 2023
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Climeworks Provides First-Ever Certified Carbon Removal For Microsoft, Shopify And Stripe

Zurich-based Direct Air Capture (DAC) startup, Climeworks announced the delivery of the first-ever third-party certified carbon dioxide removal (CDR) for corporate customers, including Microsoft, Shopify and Stripe. The carbon removal was performed at Orca, Climework’s Iceland-based Direct Air Capture facility, and currently the world’s only commercial DAC and storage plant, with capacity to remove 4,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year. DAC technology, listed by the IEA as a key carbon removal option in the transition to a net zero energy system, extracts CO2 directly from the atmosphere for use as a raw material or permanently removed when combined with storage.

Source: ESGToday