The Green Climate Fund has promised developing nations


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  • 24 Aug 2020
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Climate Fund for Poor Nations VOWS to Drive Green Covid Recovery

The Green Climate Fund has promised developing nations it will ramp up efforts to help them tackle climate challenges as they strive to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, approving $879 million in backing for 15 new projects around the world. At a four-day virtual board meeting ending late Friday, the fund added Afghanistan and Sudan to a list of more than 100 countries receiving a total of $6.2 billion to reduce planet-heating emissions and enhance climate resilience. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was set up under UN climate talks in 2010 to help developing nations tackle global warming, and started allocating money in 2015. Executive Director Yannick Glemarec said the fund had “a key role to play to maintain climate ambition in the era of Covid-19” and would aim to improve the speed and efficiency of its response to developing country needs.

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