Young people around the world rank climate


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  • 10 Dec 2019
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Climate Change is Most Important Issue for 18-25 Year Olds Globally

Young people around the world rank climate change as one of the most important issues facing the world, according to the results of a major new survey released today by human rights NGO, Amnesty International. The survey asked 10,000 people aged 18 to 25 in 22 countries to choose five issues they believed were the most important challenges facing their country today, from a list of 23 issues. In total, 41 percent cited climate change, making it the most common concern globally. This issue was followed by 36 percent who chose pollution and 31 percent who named terrorism as one of their top threats. In the UK, the most commonly cited concern for young people was a lack of housing, with 34 percent of respondents highlighting housing stock as a challenge. Violent crime and climate change followed close behind as issues of a top concern.

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The Business Green