Extreme weather events linked to climate change cost thousands of lives


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  • 27 Dec 2018
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Climate Change: Huge Costs of Warming Impacts in 2018

Extreme weather events linked to climate change cost thousands of lives and caused huge damage throughout the world in 2018, say Christian Aid. The charity’s reportidentified ten events that cost more than $1 billion each, with four costing more than $7 billion each. Scientists have shown that the chances of heat waves in Europe were influenced directly by human-related warming. Other events, say the authors, are due to shifts in weather patterns, said to be a consequence of climate change. According to the report the most financially costly disasters linked to rising temperatures were Hurricanes Florence and Michael, with costs said to be around $17 billion for the former, and $15 billion for the latter. “This report shows that for many people, climate change is having devastating impacts on their lives and livelihoods right now,” said Dr Kat Kramer from Christian Aid.

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