China's environment watchdog targets waste as pollution battles escalates


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  • 11 May 2018
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China's Environment Watchdog Targets Waste as Pollution Battles Escalates

China plans to carry out nationwide inspections targeting the illegal transfer and dumping of waste that damages water resources and soil. News of the crackdown came as mayors for seven cities were summoned to a meeting at the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in Beijing to account for their cities’ failure to tackle the problem following recent inspections. The ministry ordered them to submit plans within a month to improve their systems for disposing of spent chemicals, oil, medical, animal and other waste, and to step up scrutiny of companies that spew toxic refuse. Plans for sweeping checks mark a shift in focus for the environmental watchdog as it expands its reach beyond curbing emissions from heavy industrial sectors. It also comes after state media reported a firm in Lianyungang, a major chemical and refining hub in the eastern province of Jiangsu, was illegally dumping its waste water with at least six listed companies having since halted operations due to a crackdown following the report.

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