China unveils ‘game-changing’ investment guidelines on integrating environmental


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  • 13 Nov 2018
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China Unveils ‘Game-Changing’ Guidelines for Green Investment

The publication of the first official policy guidance for Chinese investors on integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors has been hailed as “a potential game-changer” for one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. The Green Investment Guidelines set voluntary principles and standards for several aspects of green investment activities, including investment methodologies, investing strategies, regulations, benchmarks and evaluation. The Asset Management Association of China published the guidelines, under the supervision of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. They will enter into force following final approval by the country’s legislature. The Green Finance Leadership Programme (GFLP) said the move will help “shift the market attitude away from the current short-termism toward one that is centred [on] long-term value investment, as well as establishing a much-needed code of conduct for China’s current and would-be green investors.” 

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Environmental Finance