CarbonKerma Launches Blockchain-Based Carbon Credits Marketplace.


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  • 28 Jun 2023
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CarbonKerma Launches Blockchain-Based Carbon Credits Marketplace.

CarbonKerma, a carbon credit trading platform owned by DigiKerma, has launched a blockchain-based marketplace for carbon credits generated through carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). Each ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) is represented as a digital token on the platform, ensuring traceability and integrity. CarbonKerma guarantees measured, verified, regulated, high-quality carbon credits, making it the world's first carbon credit trading platform to offer such transparency. CCUS plays a crucial role in meeting global targets under the Paris Agreement, and CarbonKerma adheres to strict regulations and ISO standards for carbon capture. The platform allows for the offsetting of emissions and facilitates the trading of carbon credits in a transparent manner.

Source: Carbonherald