Carbon Credits From Efficient Railways


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  • 23 Mar 2023
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Carbon Credits From Efficient Railways

EKI Energy Services Ltd. (EKI) has made a deal to provide consultancy service contracts for the carbon credits project of Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL). Indian-based EKI Energy is one of the world’s largest carbon credits developers and suppliers. It is India’s biggest carbon asset management firm that operates in the space of climate change, carbon credit, and sustainability solutions across the globe. KMRL is a Joint Venture Company of the Indian government and the government of Kerala. The contract has been inked against a tender won by EKI. The Kochi metro project is the first in the country that connects rail, road, and water transport facilities. The goal of the deal is to boost the environmental aspect of the metro project by certifying its GHG emission reductions. EKI will then monetize the impact in the form of carbon credits.
