Bukit Langong Land Set to Be Quarried is Still Under “Forest Reserve” Status


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  • 29 Sep 2022
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Bukit Langong Land Set to Be Quarried is Still Under “Forest Reserve” Status

Selangor state executive councillor in charge of tourism, the environment, green technology and Orang Asli affairs Hee Loy Sian confirms that around 28 percent of the land in Bukit Langong forest reserve that will be the site of quarries remains as a forest reserve. He said the new quarries are set to replace old quarries that will stop operating in 2023, and that the project has fulfilled an environmental impact assessment and other necessary requirements. The Rimba Disclosure Project, an environmental watchdog, had earlier said that the government was allowing more quarries to be established in Bukit Langong.

Source: Malaysiakini