BMO to Invest in Innovative Carbon Offsets From Carboncure to Permanently Store CO2


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  • 03 Nov 2022
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BMO to Invest in Innovative Carbon Offsets From Carboncure to Permanently Store CO2

BMO Financial Group announced it has committed to purchase carbon credits over five years, representing 5,750 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) removal and reductions, via an agreement with Halifax-based CarbonCure Technologies, a climate tech company supporting the decarbonization of the global concrete industry. The credits are expected to be delivered every September from 2022 to 2026. Carbon neutral since 2010, BMO is the first North American bank to purchase CarbonCure carbon credits and the first purchaser of carbon credits supporting CarbonCure’s full suite of carbon mineralization technologies, delivering permanent storage of CO2 across the concrete manufacturing process.

Source: ESG News