BlackRock executives who set the asset


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  • 19 Mar 2020
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Blackrock Stands by Climate Priorities, Sees Tougher Shareholder Votes

BlackRock executives who set the asset manager's influential proxy votes outlined tougher priorities tied to climate change and executive pay for the upcoming corporate annual meeting season taking place amid the coronavirus pandemic. The comments fleshed out details about how the US$7 trillion (S$10.6 trillion) asset manager would cast its shareholder votes at a time of economic uncertainty. BlackRock Chief Executive Larry Fink laid out a more forceful approach in January after criticism from investors. BlackRock will continue to judge whether boards have made progress against goals BlackRock has touted for several years such as those tied to climate issues, Edkins said. This year, she said, "We're being much more direct".

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The Straits Times