A group of nine corporations have collectively pledged to invest $500,000


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  • 24 Oct 2018
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Big-Name Businesses Jointly Pledge $500,000 to Spur Action on SDGs

A group of nine corporations have collectively pledged to invest $500,000 into projects which aim to accelerate global progress on one or more on the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of a new initiative called Lead2030 and led by UK-based non-profit One Young World, each of the companies will invest $50,000 in a project which is already working to address a Global Goal related to that firm’s sector. To receive funding, the programmes must be founded by someone aged 18-30 and already making a “tangible” impact on their selected SDGs. Success in some categories will also require the project to be scalable and financially viable – with or without the funding. The nine businesses taking part are RB, AstraZeneca, Deloitte, Credit Suisse, BP, Standard Chartered, Mondi Group, KPMG and Bristol-Myers Squibb.

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