Biden's Boom: The $30 Trillion ESG Sector Is Set To Explode In 2021


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  • 14 Jan 2021
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Biden's Boom: The $30 Trillion ESG Sector Is Set To Explode In 2021

With trillions of dollars pouring into ESG funds last year, 2020 has been called the “tipping point” year for this mega-trend. But many are predicting that the ESG boom will take off again on January 20th, 2021. That’s because after the most dramatic election we’ve seen in recent history, a “green president” is set to take office with plans to shake things up on day 1. Biden has called climate change “the number one issue facing humanity.” This is why CNBC says, “Biden’s Presidency Could be a Boost for Impact Investing.” And Forbes says, “Socially Responsible Investing Is Likely To Gain Momentum Under Biden.”. With the media labeling Biden the “green president” and ESG initiatives at the forefront, many are expecting this mega-trend to take off as he takes office beginning January 20th. Already, Biden’s cabinet choices have ESG proponents cheering. But the policies we may see coming down the pipe could grease the wheels for the ESG boom to race ahead like never before. While those policies have still yet to be seen at this point, they’re already signalling plans to require public companies to disclose emissions data and other climate change-related information.

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