Picorp has seen increased product demand as a consequence of stricter air pollution


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  • 13 Jun 2018
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Better Environment Laws Trigger More Demand for Picorp's Pollution Monitoring Equipment

Progressive Impact Corp (Picorp) has seen increased demand for its products this year as plants and factories across Indonesia rush to comply with the Department of Environment’s stricter air pollution regulation by July 2019. "Plants and factories that emit smoke are placing order for our equipment and softwares in preparation to comply with stricter control of air pollution," said Picorp group executive director Datuk Dr Lukman Ibrahim. "Our predictive emissions monitoring system is certified by the Department of Environment. So, plants and factories using our products are assured of compliance to the stricter clean air regulation," he said. In 2014, the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry formulated the Environmental Quality Regulations (Clean Air) 2014 to incorporate the latest pollution control technology and standards adopted by developed countries. The government gave plants and factories emitting smoke five years of preparation until 1st July 2019 to comply with the stricter control over air pollution. Among sectors that are mandated to invest in cleaner technologies to satisfy this new requirement are coal-fired power plants and steel mills.

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New Straits Times