Australia’s Labour Government to Legislate Emissions Target When New Parliament Sits


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  • 04 Aug 2022
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Australia’s Labour Government to Legislate Emissions Target When New Parliament Sits

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says his government will introduce 18 pieces of legislation when the new parliament sits this week for the first time since Labour won office. Labour’s pledge to set a more ambitious emissions reduction target of 43% by 2030 had made an "enormous difference" in trade, economic and security meetings with foreign counterparts since May, he said. To pass legislation for its climate change target, Labour needs to negotiate with independent and Greens lawmakers who hold the balance of power in the upper house. Greens leader Adam Bandt said he is negotiating with the government over the bill, and wants wording changed so that 43% is a floor and not a ceiling for emissions reduction. The Greens have also called for an end to new coal and gas projects, which Labour says it cannot support. Coal prices surged to make it Australia's most valuable export in May.

Source: ESG Telegraph