While the climate impact transparency of American firms has gone backwards


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  • 24 Nov 2020
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Asian Companies Are Now Better Than Their American Counterparts at Reporting Climate Impact

While the climate impact transparency of American firms has gone backwards, Asian firms are showing steady progress in reporting greenhouse gas emissions. The business world has shown steady progress at measuring and disclosing its carbon footprint since the beginning of the decade, but corporate climate impact transparency has started to stagnate, according to a report from asset management firm Arabesque. Asia’s progress on reporting scope 1 and 2 emissions is varied. It is led by companies in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and India, while it has dipped in Taiwan and Thailand in the last few years, and shown no progress in Indonesia since 2015. Weaker reporting has been most clearly seen in arguably the most important country for corporate climate action: the United States. American companies have not stopped reporting altogether. Rather, the quality of data they are providing has fallen, making it less useful for investors and other stakeholders to assess their performance. Poorer American reporting and improved reporting among Asian corporates have meant that Asia has overtaken the US in Arabesque’s assessment of how emissions disclosure compares globally.

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Eco Business