An international investor coalition targeting plastic waste and pollution


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  • 14 Jun 2018
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As You Sow Launches Investor Alliance to Engage Companies on Plastic Pollution

As You Sow has announced the launch of the Plastic Solutions Investor Alliance, an international coalition of investors that will engage publicly traded consumer goods companies on the threat posed by plastic waste and pollution. Twenty-five institutional investors from four countries with a combined $1 trillion of assets under management have signed a declaration citing plastic pollution as a clear corporate brand risk and pledging to interact with leading companies to find solutions through new corporate commitments, programs, and policies. These investors include Aviva Investors, Candriam Investors Group, Dignity Health, Hermes Investment Management, Impax Asset Management, Robeco, Walden Asset Management. The group will prioritize initial high-level engagement with four large international consumer goods companies: Nestlé, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, and Unilever. It will encourage them, and other companies, to disclose annual plastic packaging use, acknowledge responsibility and play a significant role in funding and facilitating collection and recycling or composting of packaging in markets where they operate as well as set plastic use reduction goals.

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As You Sow