apple partners with etsy, swiss re and akamai on renewables project


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  • 07 Aug 2018
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Apple partners with Etsy, Swiss Re and Akamai on Renewables Project

Apple is collaborating with cloud services firm Akamai, reinsurer Swiss Re and e-commerce brand Etsy to develop two new wind and solar farms that will enable the companies to increase access to renewable energy in the eastern US. Apple, which announced earlier in 2018 that all of its global facilities are powered with 100 percent renewable energy, is engaging with other firms to enable them to purchase renewable energy. The companies will collectively purchase 125MW from a wind farm near Chicago and 165MW from a solar project outside Fredericksburg, Virginia. “At Apple, we’re proud to power all of our operations around the world with 100% renewable energy,” Apple’s vice president of environment, Lisa Jackson, said. “In the process, we’ve charted a course for other companies and organisations to purchase renewable energy and transition their own operations to greener power.”

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