Tech giant Apple could be forced to disclose


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  • 25 Feb 2020
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Apple May Be Forced to Disclose Censorship Requests From China

Tech giant Apple could be forced to disclose details of censorship requests from China and other nations after two major shareholder groups backed a proposal forcing the company to make new human rights commitments. The motion, set to be voted on by the company’s investors, was prompted by numerous allegations of Apple bending to the demands of Beijing and blocking apps for Chinese customers. Apple said in its statement that free expression “is central to our company and its success” but that it is obliged to “comply with local laws and to protect the safety of our customers and employees”, including through the removing of apps. If approved by investors, the scheme could have implications beyond China and potentially expose details of tensions between Apple and other jurisdictions. Apple has regularly clashed with the US government, most prominently over requests for iPhones to be unlocked.

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The Guardian