Apple has removed thousands of gambling apps from its China app store


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  • 20 Aug 2018
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Apple Culls Apps in China After State Media Criticism

Apple has removed thousands of gambling apps from its China app store, according to state media, which criticised the technology company for inadequately filtering out illegal material. “Gambling apps are illegal and not allowed on the App Store in China. We have already removed many apps and developers for trying to distribute illegal gambling apps on our App Store, and we are vigilant in our efforts to find these and stop them,” the company said on Monday. The statement came a day after CCTV, China’s state broadcaster, accused Apple of not doing enough to screen out gambling and other illegal apps. CCTV said Apple had taken offline 500 apps with the keyword “lottery” in the app name between July 31 and August 13, and had removed 4,000 gambling-related apps on August 9.

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Financial Times