The Asia Pacific region has world's highest rate of unlicensed software use


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  • 10 Jun 2018
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APAC Computer Users Most Vulnerable to Cyberattacks Due to High Percentage of Unlicensed Software Use

The Asia Pacific region continues to have the world’s highest percentage rate of unlicensed software use and greatest amount of dollar losses, with computer users in the region remaining highly vulnerable to the risks of cyberattacks linked with the use of unlicensed software. Findings from a survey, Software Management: Security Imperative, Business Opportunity, conducted by BSA: The Software Alliance include that in Asia Pacific 57 percent of software installed on computers in 2017 was unlicensed, a modest decrease from 61 percent in 2015.The commercial value of unlicensed software in AP decreased to US$16.4 billion, compared to US$19.1 billion in 2015, but still remains the highest in the world. The survey also pointed out a clear correlation between malware and the use of unlicensed software; if enterprise software is unlicensed, organisations run a significant risk of encountering often-crippling security threats. Businesses that reduce unlicensed software use also reduce the risk of cyberattacks, while benefiting from improved end user productivity and enhanced brand reputation.

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Networks Asia