A watchdog is calling on Amazon to improve conditions for factory workers


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  • 10 Jun 2018
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Amazon Blasted Over China Echo Factory Conditions

A watchdog is calling on Amazon to improve conditions for factory workers in China who make Echo speakers and Kindle e-readers, renewing criticisms that CEO Jeff Bezos became the world’s wealthiest man on the backs of low-paid laborers. The New York-based China Labour Watch released a report following a nine-month investigation of working conditions at a factory in the city of Hengyang owned by Hon Hai Precisions Industry, the company known as Foxconn, which manufactures products for Amazon. The report’s findings include workers being required to work more than 100 hours of monthly overtime in violation of Chinese labour law that limits overtime to 36 hours a month and employees not receiving adequate safety training. “All workers are subject to long hours and low wages,” the report stated. “As wages are low, workers must rely on overtime hours to earn enough to maintain a decent standard of living.”

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