PwC has banned all-male shortlists for UK jobs, prompted


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  • 04 Jun 2018
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All-Male Shortlists Banned By Pwc

Accountancy giant PwC has banned all-male shortlists for jobs in the UK in an attempt to increase the number of women in senior roles at the firm. It said the move was prompted by its recent gender pay gap report showing men on average earned 43.8 percent more than women. The company said recruitment was one of the areas it was looking at as a way to narrow the gap. PwC also plans to ban all-male interview panels and examine how “career defining roles” are awarded. Jill Miller, policy adviser at the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development(CIPD), said it did not have data on the number of firms which had banned all-male shortlists for jobs, but said it was becoming “more common”. She said new rules forcing firms to publish their gender pay gaps had increased transparency and focused leaders’ attention on how to improve the figures. 

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