97 percent of Malaysias top 100 companies by revenue


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  • 09 Oct 2019
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97 Percent of Top 100 Malaysian Companies Reporting on Sustainable Business Practices

97 percent of Malaysia's top 100 companies by revenue, have reported on their sustainable business practices, according to the KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2017.This has been mainly driven by a mix of new regulations, stock exchange requirements and investor pressure, said KPMG Management and Risk Consulting Sdn Bhd head of governance and sustainability Kasturi Nathan. Sustainable business practices are a necessity and the only means for businesses to continue existing and “meeting the needs of the present, without compromising on the needs of future generations,” she said, at the Sustainable Brands Kuala Lumpur 2019 conference yesterday. “Companies are not adopting sustainability as a brand-new skill set, but rather unearthing them from traditional responsible business conduct and sound risk management practices, which in turn will govern their reputations and social licences to operate,” she told Bernama on the side-lines of the conference. Increasingly, Bursa Malaysia (KLSE) and investors were seeking for evidence of how companies are able to integrate the management of financial risks with environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk management, Kasturi added.

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