86.4% of Malaysia’s total licensed oil palm planted area MSPO-certified, says MPOB


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  • 09 Mar 2021
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86.4% of Malaysia’s total licensed oil palm planted area MSPO-certified, says MPOB

Up to 86.39% of Malaysia’s total planted area for oil palm has been certified sustainable under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification scheme. During a webinar entitled “Sustainability And Food Safety: The Perspective of the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry” organised by the EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Eurocham), Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) Technical Advisory Services Unit, Product Development and Advisory Services Division (PDAS) Australasia and Oceania Regional Manager and Desk Officer for Europe, Rafizah Mazlan, said as at Feb 28, 2021, 5.07 million hectares (ha) of Malaysia’s oil palm planted area was certified sustainable. In total, the country has a total licensed planted area of 5.87 million ha. In terms of MSPO-certified palm oil mills, 437 of 96.04% of the 455 palm oil mills in the country have been certified as MSPO compliant. She noted that while larger and smaller plantation companies have adopted the MSPO standard, the MPOB still has challenges when it comes to onboarding more smallholders to the standard. Rafizah added that from a government and regulator perspective, there is a focus in place to get more smallholders certified under the scheme.

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