CEOs of 50 major global companies representing more than $1.5 trillion


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  • 30 Nov 2018
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50 Ceos Urge World Leaders for Ambitious Climate Policy

CEOs of 50 major global companies representing more than $1.5 trillion in revenue have urged world leaders to collaborate more closely with the private sector in order to rapidly speed up the transition towards a low carbon economy. Ahead of next week’s UN Climate Summit in Poland, a joint open letter published yesterday by leading bosses calls for more ambitious policy levers to establish effective carbon pricing mechanisms, shift investment from the high to low carbon economy, and boost societal demand for green products and services. The intervention, coordinated by the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Alliance of Climate Action CEOs, has backing from the heads of raft of global business, including AXA, Ørsted, HSBC, BT, Allianz, Carlsberg and UBS. The CEOs said they wanted to see a clear signal from the COP24 negotiations that governments are willing to step up their own decarbonisation efforts and strengthen their engagement with those businesses that are working to tackle climate change. 

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