Forty-one Malaysian corporations have been announced


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  • 12 Nov 2020
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41 Corporations Win Sustainability and CSR Malaysia Awards This Year

Forty-one Malaysian corporations have been announced as winners of the 2020 Sustainability and CSR Malaysia Awards, a joint effort by the CSR Malaysia publication and Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility Malaysia Welfare Society. CSR Malaysia today unveiled the awards list of outstanding Malaysian corporations that have excelled in the corporate sustainability and social responsibility arena. CSR Malaysia chairman, Datuk R Rajendran, said private sector companies are the driving force of the nation's economy and they are well placed to carry out meaningful and significant corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. "The 41 Malaysian corporations honoured as the award recipients have been selected by a panel of high-calibre judges, representing corporate and social bodies, and the judging criteria are based on a clear purpose and goals of the company in the CSR initiative, together with the impact created and frequency of CSR events held,” he said.

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