12 Malaysian Projects Triumph at ASEAN Energy Awards 2023 for Sustainable


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  • 26 Aug 2023
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12 Malaysian Projects Triumph at ASEAN Energy Awards 2023 for Sustainable Energy Innovations

The ASEAN Energy Awards (AEA) 2023 have recognised a total of 12 Malaysian projects for their exceptional adoption of sustainable energy practices. The awards ceremony took place in Bali, Indonesia, during the 41st ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM). The awards encompass three categories: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Best Practices, Renewable Energy Project Awards, and Clean Coal Awards. Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change, led the Malaysian delegation. He commended the accomplishments of Malaysian energy entities, expressing his hope that these successes would inspire other industry stakeholders to embrace sustainable energy practices, thereby contributing to the country’s decarbonisation commitment.

Source: biztoday