In this second event in our series exploring the nexus between modern slavery and environmental destruction, we’ll put a spotlight on labour abuses in the fishing industry and its intersection with environmental degradation.
While there have been many positive advancements in this area, the vicious cycle of marine biodiversity degradation and human rights abuses persists. We ask: what could be done to unlock greater, faster progress, and increase better collaboration among stakeholders? What practical actions do we urgently need to better conserve marine populations worldwide and alleviate the plight of the many thousands of enslaved modern workers living in often brutal conditions? And what would advocating movement toward policies that address social and ecological problems jointly involve?
To further understand this connection, a panel of experts will unpick the humanitarian and environmental ramifications of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, propose practical solutions to foster radical, sustainable progress and highlight the crucial role of collaborative philanthropy in the environmental and labour rights spaces to address growing complex, global needs.