How my investment decisions can have a positive impact on the environment


How my investment decisions can have a positive impact on the environment

  • Webinar
  • 28 Jan 2021 08:00 PM
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  • 28 Jan 2021 09:00 PM
How my investment decisions can have a positive impact on the environment Responsible Investment
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Sophie Norman, an Investment Consultant at St. James's Place Wealth Management will be here to chat to us about the importance of Responsible Investing and why we are passionate about helping clients achieve financial wellbeing in a world worth living in. Exploring the growing focus on how our Pensions and other Investments directly impact the environment. Key areas that will be covered are; What is ESG? What is the UNPRI and how this has affected our fund managers? Why you should talk about Sustainability Why the Carbon Footprint of your Pensions and Investment should matter The St. James's Place Approach Q&A

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