Episode 11: Lim Chern Yuan, Group CEO of Yinson


Episode 11: Lim Chern Yuan, Group CEO of Yinson

  • Episode 11: Lim Chern Yuan, Group CEO of Yinson In this episode of CEO2CEO, Lim Chern Yuan, Group Chief Executive Officer of Yinson Holdings Berhad, discusses Yinson’s pursuit of decarbonising the energy sector through Yinson’s sustainability commitments, pivoting of traditional FPSO and sustainable mobility.
  • Date: Nov 26, 2024
  • Category: Bursa Speaks
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In this episode of CEO2CEO, Lim Chern Yuan, Group Chief Executive Officer of Yinson Holdings Berhad, discusses Yinson’s pursuit of decarbonising the energy sector through Yinson’s sustainability commitments, pivoting of traditional FPSO and sustainable mobility. He also tackles integrating cultural differences in a global organisation.

Episode 11:
Lim Chern Yuan, Group CEO of Yinson

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